Thanks to everyone who came to the Provo Winterfest Parade. It was a blast and we could not have done it without you! The kids had fun waving and performing some cartwheels in front of a crowd! It was a great way to start the Holiday Season!
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believes motor skill development made fun builds confidence that leads to a lifetime of Success! As you strive to give your children the best foundation for success, The Little Gym® is there to help you along the way. Our professionally developed, non-competitive curriculum has been designed to build motor skills while having fun, and simultaneously fostering enhanced emotional, intellectual and social skills. Our programs include movement, music, gymnastics, sports, exercise, games, listening and cooperation. We offer gymnastic, sports skill, dance, and parent/ child classes. We even host awesome birthday parties and Parent Survival Nights! We are located at 152 W. Center in Orem, UT and can be reached at (801) 226-3800.
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